The new academic year began this week, so it’s high time to look back at the past Faces-Online semester. These are our best-read articles from 2020-2021.
The new academic year began this week, so it’s high time to look back at the past Faces-Online semester. These are our best-read articles from 2020-2021.
In this interview, Egbert Pronk, CRO, and co-founder of BUX discusses his career path, the growth of BUX, and the challenges that come with it.
The Netherlands houses 14.000 shell corporations, which help multinationals to channel their profits to tax havens all over the world. How does that work?
After the Corona pandemic, the Netherlands seems to be facing a new pandemic in the past year: investing. Read more about it in Louks article.
Are you curious about the career of Kees Kalveen, Chief Financial Officer of Nationale Nederlanden Bank? Read it in this article!
Are you curious about the career of Roderick Munsters, among others former CEO of Robeco and Edmond de Rothschild? Read it in this interview!