The CFO of Vopak, Jack de Kreij speaks. In this interview he tells about his career, the developments of Vopak and he gives catching advice.
The CFO of Vopak, Jack de Kreij speaks. In this interview he tells about his career, the developments of Vopak and he gives catching advice.
In this interview, Lans Bovenberg, most influential economist of the Netherlands talks about the flat tax, the aging of the population and future challenges for our society.
In this article Jort Kelder answers six questions about the euro. He talks about the ‘Big reset’, the future and the possible end of our currency.
Faces-Online editors Mike and Jeroen spoke with Mr Loman, senior economist, and Mr Weernink, economist at the Rabobank headquarters in Utrecht. They talk about the current events surrounding Greece and the impact a possible “Grexit” might have on the Eurozone as a whole. Furthermore they discuss the risk investors, financial institutions and politicians face surrounding Greece and give us insights in the daily life of an economist at Rabobank.
Mike and Jeroen spoke with Mr. Hoozemans, Director at Robeco Asset Management and specialist in the energy sector. He talks about the current and future developments in the energy sector and how ESG is becoming increasingly important for companies and investors. The interview is especially focused on the cause and effects of the recent drop in oil price.
Gijs Vereijken just received his Master of Economics, Netspar track, from Tilburg University. He completed his thesis project at the Dutch pension provider PGGM and Rabobank on the topic of “Balance sheet alliances between Dutch banks and pension funds.” Gijs is currently traveling through China while he decides exactly what he wants to next.