Huub Arendse, CFO Achmea tells something about his education and career. He ends with giving advice to accountancy students.
Huub Arendse, CFO Achmea tells something about his education and career. He ends with giving advice to accountancy students.
Looking back at my chairmanship at Asset | Accounting & Finance The editorial board has asked me to write an article about last year, in which
In this interview CFO of RTL, Patrick Olde Scholtenhuis talks about his study at Tilburg University, his past as Register Accountant and his career.
At present Hans Hoogervorst, Chairman of the IASB, is busy with the process of setting new IFRS-standards. Before his term as Chairman at the IASB, he has been chairman of the AFM, where he had overseen the investigation into the Dutch accountancy firms.
Hans Hoogervorst started as a History student. Meanwhile, he feels like an economist, but without the title and has had an interesting career. After being chairman at the AFM in The Netherlands and has been assigned as chairman of the IASB for a second term in London.
Alex Brenninkmeijer, former National Ombudsman, is now a member of the European Court of Auditors. He audits the functioning of the European Union Institutions. Furthermore he thinks that institutions should learn from their experiences and that the European Court of Auditors should have a positive tone.