In ‘campus life’ the Faces Committee asks students an interesting and important question. In this article, they ask students their opinions on an internship during your bachelor’s. At the moment, during your third bachelor’s year, you can choose to go on exchange or to do your minor. You can’t, in contrast to the most HBO studies, do an internship.
The committee asked students the following questions: Should an academic study program include an internship? If so, should this be offered next to your option to go on exchange/ do your minor? Should you be able to do an internship in exchange for ECTS?
Rutger, 23 years old, Postmaster
A bachelor at a university puts an emphasis on theoretical aspects. Therefore, an internship wouldn’t be the most logical option, but I think that a Tilburg University student should have the option to make this decision him/herself. At the moment, there is the possibility to choose for a minor or an exchange, so I think that an internship should be one of the possibilities too, as it improves the link between studying and the job market. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to distinguish themselves even more.
Melissa, 21 years old, Board year at Asset | Accounting & Finance
Practical experience is really important and an internship is a great way to gain this experience. Theory is important, however in the end you have to be able to put this theory into practice. I think it would be a good idea to make this a part of the study program, maybe instead of a minor. An internship abroad should be an option too. Foreign experience is still really important for your personal development.
Luc, 20 years old, second year’s student BSc
I think it would be a good idea to have the opportunity to do an internship, as you gain practical experience. However, it should include a scientific case (research) to make sure it is an internship linked to your study at university. Besides that, I’m not sure if it’s possible to offer an internship as an alternative for an exchange or doing a minor. It has to be a well-organized internship then. Otherwise you would give your credits on top of the 180 credits, just like the deficiency courses in your post-master accountancy. So you will have to do your bachelor’s for 3.5 years. I think it’s a good idea to give credits for an internship to encourage it.
Nena, 22 years old, MSc
I agree, especially for a study like Business Economics an internship can be really useful, even if you’re studying at an university. In the end, most students end up working in business life and I think you have a big advantage if you’ve done an internship. An internship can improve the connection between study and work. I don’t agree completely with the fact that an internship should be an alternative for an exchange or minor, because these options are really worthy as well. I think an internship is more an addition/improvement for a bachelor’s than an alternative for an existing part.
Gijs, 22 years old, MSc
A compulsory internship is not a good idea, it takes away the whole idea of ‘gaining experience’. At HBO, the internships are probably from a lower level and most of the students are doing an internship because ‘it’s obligated’. However, I think that companies should offer more opportunities to do an internship, because at the moment you have to do a study in the meantime, which brings you 1000 euros at unnecessary costs.
Anonymous, 22 years old, MSc
Yes, if the quality of an internship is ensured. Credits should be gained due to the time you have spent and eventually a case from university. A university internship should distinguish itself from a HBO internship in quality, but even more in the exercise you get, so the difference between HBO and university won’t get too small. Despite, an exchange should be more recommended than an internship (or minor). Besides that, an internship should represent a maximum number of credits, for example 12 ECTS. If a student still decides to do a full-time internship, this is his/her own choice, but it won’t be awarded with more than the maximum number of ECTS you can get. All in all, I would be a proponent for an internship, but people have to remember that a university stands for a relatively theoretical way of education. A long period for internships (in ECTS) won’t fit in the bachelor’s program, however, it can lead to more information about a specific branch. This results in a better choice for choosing your master.
– This article is translated by an editor of Faces Online