Study Tour 2024: Cape Town & Dubai

Capte Town

It all started this year on Monday, April 29, we gathered at Tilburg central station, where the bus picked us up around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. With 24 people we were complete and ready to go. The bus took us to Brussels Airport where the journey could really begin. In the evening at 21:45 the plane left for Cape Town!
After a long trip, with a change of plane in Dubai, we finally arrived in Cape Town. On the way to the hostel, we could already admire the city in its beautiful evening glory. Once we arrived at the hostel, we checked in and had something to eat. After that, most of us wanted to go to bed right away, as the trip was very tiring after all. 

Our first full day in Cape Town began in the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront district. Here we had a morning of free time to explore the area, some visited the aquarium, and others went shopping. In the afternoon we wanted to go hiking on Table Mountain, unfortunately there was a fire near the route of the hike, so we had to come up with another plan. We decided to hike up Lion’s Head. This hike was tough but once at the top we had a beautiful view!
On Thursday in Cape Town, we spent our day at the University of Cape Town. We were warmly welcomed and after an opening talk, we were also given some information about what studying at University of Cape Town is like. Next, we were given a tour of the entire campus, with its many beautiful buildings and large sports fields, not to mention the beautiful views. After the tour we had a delicious lunch and went back to school. Here several more speakers came by with interesting stories. In the evening there was plenty to do in the city because it was First Thursday; so there is a party in the city every first Thursday of the month. This was a great reason for us to explore the evening life in Cape Town!

Friday morning, we started our day with a tour to Robben Island. After a nice boat ride, we were given a bus tour of the island. Our guide here shared many stories with us. Once we were back on the mainland, we had something to eat and went on to the Bo-Kaap district. This neighborhood is known for its beautifully colored houses. After shooting many pictures, we went back to the hostel to freshen up. In the evening, most of the group went to eat at a typical African restaurant called “Mama Africa”. Over the weekend we went on a wine tour, this of course cannot be missed when you are in Cape Town. We also went along the Cape of Good Hope, and visited Boulders Beach where we could see penguins. Of course, the nightlife was also explored further this weekend.

Unique opportunity

After a great weekend, we went to KPMG Cape Town on Monday morning. Here we had a tour of the office followed by a fun, interesting presentation about the economy in South Africa, as well as “fun facts” and “snack history” of South African culture. After this instructive morning, we had some free time in the afternoon, some went up Table Mountain, one by cable car and the other on foot, unfortunately it was very cloudy when we reached the top. We ended the evening with a delicious dinner.
Our Tuesday morning began quietly with some free time. We scored some souvenirs and had a nice lunch. In the afternoon we visited the consulate. Here we had an interesting afternoon where we could ask many questions. In the evening, we all had a last dinner in Cape Town at a delicious tapas restaurant.
Our last morning in Cape Town began quite spectacularly for some. Part of the group went skydiving, because how often do you get this opportunity? The same morning, we also visited the Diamond Shop, where we got a tour and could ask all our questions for the research. In the afternoon it was really time to leave Cape Town and we flew to Dubai around 18:00.


Thursday in the early morning we arrived in Dubai, once we arrived at the hotel it was still way too early to check in, so we all went to rest at the pool on the top floor of the hotel. Just recovering after such a restless night. From 2 p.m. we could check in, and the rest of the afternoon everyone did their own thing. In the evening, we divided into smaller groups for dinner and then went to bed in time for a good night’s sleep.
Friday morning began with a trip to Mars, a hearty company in the FMCG industry. Once we arrived at Mars, we were welcomed with a delicious breakfast buffet. After this, in addition to a presentation from the company itself, we also received presentations from partners including ING and Dubai Holding. It was certainly an interesting and educational morning. In the afternoon everyone had free time again, a few went out to see some more highlights of the city, but most of the group ended up at the beach, where we were also able to admire the sunset. All in all, it was another successful day.
The weekend in Dubai arrived. On Saturday we had planned a visit to the Burj Khalifa, we went all the way to the 125th floor and were able to see a beautiful view here. We also took this day to visit the Dubai Mall and all the craziness that can be experienced here, including a large aquarium. Of course, we also had a chance to admire the fountain show, which takes place right next to the Mall. After an afternoon of walking and shopping, we went back to eating scattered throughout the city. Some of us ate at restaurants around and in the Dubai Mall and others at the Double Decker Pub.

Meanwhile, we are already on Sunday, our last full day in Dubai. Everyone had free time to plan their own last fun activities, and of course the opportunity to repack their suitcases. Some chose to rent quads in the desert, others still went out in the city to admire the last buildings, and a last part lay around all day chilling at a Beach club. In the evening, we went out to dinner together as a whole group to end the trip nicely. Once back at the hotel, some had to quickly pack their bags and then get a few short hours of sleep.
At 4 a.m. we were downstairs in the lobby ready for departure to the airport. At 8:20 the plane left for Brussels, and we were finally close to home again after a nice long trip together. After we said goodbye to each other, some were already picked up from Brussels. The rest joined the bus to Tilburg. And here was the end of yet another great StudyTour.

Finally, I would like to thank my coordinator Stijn and all committee members Thom, Lina, Wilco, Kristof and Kursat for organizing this great trip together. And not to forget all the participants who were there this year, without them we could never have made a trip like this.
