In this student entrepreneur Ruud Hoevenaar and Jaap van Eggelen talk about their own business: EZ Boekhouding. He describes the establishment of the company and he explains what is like to be a student entrepreneur. The interview is made in collaboration with Starterslift Tilburg, which is the center of Tilburg University for entrepreneurial students with great talent and ambition.
Could you briefly describe what the business involves and what it is trying to achieve?
We are focusing on the music industry, which we are familiar with since we both graduated from the Fontys Rockacademy (Tilburg). Our business involves helping other musicians and cultural entrepreneurs (such as freelance photographers, dancers, etc.) to do everything they need to do as entrepreneurs according to Dutch tax regulation.
When did you come up with the idea of starting your own business?
This idea actually began a few years ago while I was already a teacher at the Fontys Rockacademy. Jaap had already build the basics, but it needed to be improved and we decided to elevate it to a real business.
In what way has the company evolved since its inception?
We had many! We started with the basic idea of accounting/bookkeeping, but then we figured that especially the tax applications are the biggest problems, so we solved that! Then there was the pivot of offline meetings versus online webinars. We gave a lot of seminars, now we are doing this all online and it is a big win for both customers and us. Simply because we do not need any space and it can be done at any time.
Can owning and running a business be combined easily with your studies?
Not easily as in, making money while you are sleeping. But yes, it can be done but sometimes it is tough when you have several deadlines for both work and study.
What skills have you acquired during your studies that can be applied to your daily business activities?
Applying the law! And I have to say that the classes from prof. mr. E.P.M. Vermeulen are very useful!
Up to this point, what skills have you gained from the establishment of your business?
A lot, I have learned how to do sales and how to manage marketing channels. I already did a lot of presentations but I just got more experienced by doing this for my own business. Especially on conferences such as Amsterdam Dance Event, de Jazzdag, de Muzikantendag(en) and many others.
How do you see the future of the company?
Building a company that really helps people doing what they are obliged to! That is my vision for over the next years and I would love to facilitate this through online meetings, conferences and our software!
Finally, what would you like to say to students who are also planning to start their own business?
Talk to some people in the entrepreneur centre in Tias building and set your first steps while you are planning to do bigger stuff! It is better to start talking and discovering while you are already in it, at least trying to be in it, than to build a perfectly hypothetical frame or plan which is build on risky assumptions. If you are interested about more of this you should definitely read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries and Running Lean by Ash Maurya.
Feel free to contact me if you would like start your own business!
General information
Founders: Ruud Hoevenaar and Jaap van Eggelen
Study: Fiscal Law
Company name: EZ Boekhouding
Location: Tilburg
Employees: 3
Activities: Online accounting software (Musicians and other cultural entrepreneurs, niche-based)