In the first quarter of 2012, the number of iPhones sold per day surpassed the number of babies born worldwide (402,000 vs 300,000), according to Mobile First.
Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of oil. The amount of gas burned off by the oil production in Nigeria is more than enough to power the whole continent of Africa (but is cheaper to burn it than to produce energy from it and they make so much money from oil that they do not care about the gas produced).
Adjusted for inflation, Warren Buffett was a millionaire by age 25.
Bill Gates told his Harvard University professors that he would be a millionaire by age 30. He became a billionaire at age 31.
The accounting profession has its own holiday, International Accounting Day, which takes place annually on November 10.
JP Morgans Uncle, James Pierpont wrote Jingle Bells in 1857.
Until the US federal reserve was created in 1908, individual banks could create their own money.
A dollar bill only lasts 18 months before it wears out.
The history of Wall Street dates back to 1600, when New York was called the New Amsterdam settlement. Back then, before the bells and exchanges, it was merely a pathway that ran alongside a wall protecting the settlement from Native America attacks. In a moment of creativity, the citizens named the corridor “Wall Street”.
Research has shown that as little as 10 hours personal financial education positively affects students spending and saving habits.
The average 21-year-old in the United States will spend more than 2.2 million in their lifetime.
The Amsterdam Stock Exchange (now part of the Euronext Exchange) first listed shares in 1602. The first stock to be traded was that of the Dutch East India Company, a multinational mega-corporation granted monopoly by the Dutch government to conduct trade with Asia. The company operated for almost two centuries, paying out an 18% annual divided for almost the entire time!
American student entering college are offered an average of eight credit cards during their first week of school.
The lowest position of the Dow Jones ever was 28,48 in the summer of 1896. The highest position was 18.288,63 in March 2015.
The Swiss banks own 35% of the worlds capacity together.
The biggest coin on earth is a Canadian coin, worth one million (Canadian) dollars. It has a diameter of 51 cm and weighs about 100 kilograms.
The euro sign is developed by a Belgian named Alain Billiet, and was presented in December 1996.
Ten percent of the Russian government’s income comes from the sale of vodka.
The Dutch ten cent piece has been used for the hole in cd’s and dvd’s