In this article Bart Dierynck, professor at Tilburg University, gives an explanation about the new model of the CEA in the accountants education and why they are totally missing the point.
In this article Bart Dierynck, professor at Tilburg University, gives an explanation about the new model of the CEA in the accountants education and why they are totally missing the point.
Marianne van der Zijde, former head of the Audit and Reporting Quality Division of the AFM is active in accountancy for over 28 years. First in the public audit practice and then 11 years with the AFM. Now she is an active independent and supports auditors and auditing firms in making controls better and more enjoyable. In this article she writes about a personal experience of intimidation at the workplace. Something which could happen to anyone and from which we should learn.
In this article drs. Pieter de Kok RA writes about big data and the influences on the business: at least an enormous impact on the accountancy world concerning to him.
Tom Nierop discusses the influence of CSR on businesses. Most businesses imply it is important but do not act towards it.
Philip Joos, professor at Tilburg University, writes about his experiences in Silicon Valley and how this has enriched him.
In this article, Frans Heitling, Chief Editor Accountancy Vanmorgen, talks about the effects of computerisation on accountancy and the future challenges for accountants.