Since 2015, Wendy van Gorp is working as assistant accountant at Witlox Van den Boomen. In this article, she tells about her experiences and explains why she choose for Witlox van den Boomen.
Can you tell something about yourself?
I grew up in Waspik, a small village in the region Waalwijk-Tilburg, I also lived there during my student life. During high school I was really interested in mathematics, economics and management & organization, so the choice BSc. Business Administration at Tilburg University was easily made. After my bachelor I graduated the master Accountancy, I studied at Tilburg University for six years. During my Baster Accountancy I followed both the RA as the CFA (Finance) track. However, I was not playing an active part in any study association, since I chose to have a part time job besides my studies. During my study I worked for about seven years with a lot of fun at the Efteling. In my spare time I played volleyball, which I do since I am 12 years old. In addition of that I was volunteering at the volleyball club. Despite my study and work I always had enough time to do this hobby.
Why did you choose for Witlox Van den Boomen and how did you come in contact with them?
I made a conscious choice to work for a smaller office and not for a Big4 company, because I was looking for more personal coaching. Besides that, I didn’t want to be absorbed by the mass of Accountancy students which go to a Big4 company every year. By a tip of a former colleague, I came in contact with WvdB. I directly decided I wanted to apply for the job and so I did. Since September 1 2015, I am working at WvdB as assistant auditor. What really attracts me is the variety of the work. Almost immediately after I started, I was involved in some control exercises for customers, furthermore I do compiling and corporate tax declarations.
What makes Witlox Van den Boomen unique?
Witlox van den Boomen is a multidiscipline organization with approximately 150 employees in the accountancy profession. WvdB has two offices, which are settled in Rosmalen and in Waalre. Several family companies from Brabant, but also national and international medium-sized companies are our customers.
Can you give us an example of a normal working day?
Currently I am working as assistant auditor for WvdB, where I am mainly involved for several audit services for customers in a team. Mostly I am present at the office of customers, but when I need to do some compiling work or tax declarations, I will be present at the office of WvdB. Since September 1 2015, I started the postmaster Accountancy RA at Tilburg University and I have class every Friday. An advantage of the postmaster at Tilburg University is that it takes busy season into account, which results in no classes between January and April. I am also given the possibility to study for my exams by WvdB, so I can successfully complete the postmaster.
How is the atmosphere at Witlox Van den Boomen?
The atmosphere at WvdB is pleasant and sociable. As of the first day, I felt myself comfortable into the organization and I am really glad that WvdB gave me the chance to start my career. During my first week I was immediately actively involved in several control activities for customers. Besides, there is an open working atmosphere at WvdB, so there is always a possibility to have a chat with each other.